Gym. Tan. Laundry.

Gym. Tan. Laundry. It’s what all the Jersey Shore peeps do.  For the first time tonight, I GTLed.  I am just wrapping up a month of tanning because it makes my skin brown & it feels Oh so good. I did go away to a sunny place for 10 days in the midst of my tanning… but yeah.

Today wasn’t a great day for eating.  I ate too much.  And– I ate carbs.  Ick.  I did well this morning at lunch time when I ordered a chicken caesar salad.. but the salad came with bread.  i ate it.  Also, I arrived home after a day long day of classes and my mom had a fresh baked loaf of bread on the counter.  I ate two pieces.  I’m not here to tell you what goes into my mouth everyday.  I don’t even know if my blogging has a purpose.  or why you strangers care… but.