If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Yesterday after church I took the time to cook this week’s allotment of chicken. Yes, it took me an hour to prepare it… but… It saves me a lot of time too.  After letting the  chicken get cool, I wrapped up six portions and popped them in the fridge.  

As my parents always say to me.  “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”  True that.  

From my perspective, planning really is one of the most essential tools you can use when on a weight-loss diet.  If you know what is for supper tonight, and it’s prepared, then there’s less of a chance of going home and eaten a cupboard full of carbs.  Especially now that I am in school full time.  Planning is key.  If a pack a salad and an asian pear for lunch, I don’t need to run and get sushi from next door.  Not to mention the dollar store, a twenty-five second walk from my college.  Totally not fair.  But life isn’t fair. I am really really learning to exercise my self control.

The funny thing though?  All the girls in my class have noticed my eating habits.  It’s having a ripple affect.  One of my friends from class texted me last night and says “I’m gonna quit smoking… but I’m also going to start eating healthy too.”  Stuff like this makes me smile.

Gym. Tan. Laundry.

Gym. Tan. Laundry. It’s what all the Jersey Shore peeps do.  For the first time tonight, I GTLed.  I am just wrapping up a month of tanning because it makes my skin brown & it feels Oh so good. I did go away to a sunny place for 10 days in the midst of my tanning… but yeah.

Today wasn’t a great day for eating.  I ate too much.  And– I ate carbs.  Ick.  I did well this morning at lunch time when I ordered a chicken caesar salad.. but the salad came with bread.  i ate it.  Also, I arrived home after a day long day of classes and my mom had a fresh baked loaf of bread on the counter.  I ate two pieces.  I’m not here to tell you what goes into my mouth everyday.  I don’t even know if my blogging has a purpose.  or why you strangers care… but. 

Gluten- free pizza crust

The other day on Pinterest I saw a cauliflower based, gluten- free pizza crust.  So last night I was determined to make it!  Super simple and pretty tasty even.  All I did was cube 1/2 cauliflower head and stick it in the food processor until it looked like rice.  Then i sautéed it with a little bit of coconut oil.  After that i mixed 3/4 cup shredded mozza cheese, a beaten egg, and the cauli.  I pressed it onto a greased pizza pan, making the crust about 1 cm thick.

Finally I popped it in the oven for 25 mins on 400 f and viola! pizza crust.  Added the toppings and “broiled” it for 5 minutes.  Super tasty.  I had my good friend Jane over too and she really enjoyed it! (well at least that is what she says!…) We were doing some singing rehearsals.  Fun stuff!! well, have a good day everyone!  ps- went to the gym again this morning!